Wearable Negative Ions
Can negative ions fabrics produce positive health results?
The buzz on negative ions products, including fabrics, has picked up in recent years. They are designed to replicate or generate negative ions, which could be beneficial to our health.
Negative ions are molecules floating in the air or atmosphere that have been charged with electricity. They are abundant in nature, around waterfalls, ocean surf, beach, creek, riverbank, in mountains and forests. Many researchers of “negative ionization” suggested that exposure to negative ions could have positive effects. Negative ions are believed to neutralise free radicals, revitalise cell metabolism and enhance immune function.
Once negative ions reach our bloodstream, negative ions are believed to produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of the mood chemical serotonin, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost our daytime energy. (source: wemd.com)
Several scientific studies have been published on the pros and cons of negative ions – whether ‘ionised’ products result in some positive therapeutic effect on health.
There are also individual testimonials on negative ions’ healing benefits. Singaporean Lorenzo Chia is one of them. He was sceptical at first, but now he swears by it. He shares s his story with Weekly Sparks, from having to live with pain due to ‘triggered fingers’* for years to being pain-free after trying negative ions fabric.
Lorenzo Chia
The Power of Negative Ions
Lorenzo Chia: Are you open- or close-minded? I always thought I was open-minded until a change in my health condition changed my perspective.
Daily for the past three years, I woke up with an excruciating pain on my left hand (sometimes both hands). I had what medical science calls the triggered fingers.* Prying open my painfully frozen hands was a daily chore that I honestly hated to the core. It was an unbearable daily but necessary routine. It was at a time like this that I truly appreciated the value of good health. In my case, good limbs.
I put up with my triggered fingers day in and day out. One day I decided to try negative ions fabric that a relative, who swore by its efficacy, introduced to me two years ago.
I had my doubts. I was close-minded. Since my triggered fingers were getting worse I decided to give it a try.
I put on a pair of soft night gloves made of negative ions fabric and retired for the night. Next morning, I woke up at my usual time. I felt a mild, ticklish feeling on my hands. I started to open both my fists, not expecting my triggered fingers to open. Gosh, they did (without any pain) slowly open by themselves! For the past three years, I had to pry open my triggered fingers every single morning. That particular morning changed my life. I didn’t have to live with pain anymore.
I started a deeper exploration into the science behind negative ions fabrics. As I learned more about negative ions, my other health issues began to heal or improve.
The excitement had me preaching the health benefits of negative ions fabric to people around me, like the parable of the woman who found the lost coin!
I witnessed amazing health improvement, not just for my family and me. An elderly aunt in her 70s, who had hip degeneration, was open-minded enough to try the negative ions clothes. Within three months, she was no longer wheelchair-bound and was off her strong painkillers. She could walk to the park and resumed her daily exercise routine.
A friend in his 50s, who was originally scheduled to surgically remove an overgrown cyst for the second time, saw the cyst disappear within two weeks of wearing negative ions fabric. His oversized cyst subsided without any pus or pain. The surgeon was astonished how the cyst disappeared, and as a result no surgery was required.
Males advancing into their 40s and beyond usually start to run to the loo more frequently due to the weakening of muscles surrounding the bladder. By using negative ions underwear and clothing diligently, they can reduce toilet runs, building stronger holding power of the bladder as well as lowering prostate risk.
It is amazing how the negative ions can kick-start our immune system to better health and optimise our body functionality through simple healing. I am so grateful that by advocating negative ions fabrics I have somehow helped people improve their lives.
Lorenzo (Enzo) Liang | guest contributor | ws
Images and info: www.nefful.com.sg
Editor’s Note: Before forging ahead with negative ions clothing and/or devices, it is recommended to consult your doctor / specialist especially if you have chronic conditions such as asthma, pulmonary disease, diabetes, heart disease, psychological disorder, cancer etc)
There is no evidence-based medicine that supports negative ion therapy… they have some demonstrated benefits. But they’re not a miracle cure-all for all the conditions that you might read about on websites and in marketing buzz. Don’t count on negative ions to make any major medical changes to your life. (Source: healthline.com]
*Trigger fingers are more common with certain medical conditions. Rheumatoid arthritis, gout and diabetes are risk factors for this condition. Repeated and strong gripping may lead to the condition. In most cases, the cause of the trigger finger is not known. (source: American Society for Surgery of the Hands)